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Work and employee wellbeing challenges post-pandemic in the English NHS

Nov 27, 2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AEDT
Room 4150 , Belinda Hutchinson Building (H70)
The University of Sydney, or via Zoom

Please join the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group and the Sydney Employment Relations Research Group for this seminar presented by Dr Nick Krachler.


This talk explores policymakers' and managers' health and wellbeing response during the pandemic and the subsequent wellbeing challenges post-pandemic in English healthcare. While the response can be characterized as extensive and in parts also innovative, economic wellbeing practices were limited and the impact on long-term health services and workforce sustainability has been predominantly negative. This talk explains this paradoxical situation by exploring NHS employees' health and wellbeing in the context of the NHS's policy trajectory since the 1980s and its post-pandemic policy context. For healthcare policymakers and managers, lessons will be drawn around the optimal balance of employee health and wellbeing, and performance management (with a particular focus on productivity demands).

About the Presenter

Nick Krachler is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and the Academic Director for Healthcare Leadership at King’s Business School, King's College London. He received his PhD and an MSc from Cornell University with specializations in human resource management, comparative employment relations, and work and occupations sociology. He also received an MSc in Political Sociology from the London School of Economics.

His research program studies mechanisms of institutional change in the care economy, including workforce innovation through new roles; market-making versus collaboration; and the regulation of work and employment. Nick has comparatively studied such change in the US, the UK and several European countries. Recently, he has also studied the influence of the pandemic on employee wellbeing in UK healthcare.


Headshot of Nick Krachler
Nick Krachler
King's College London


  • Shveta Sharma