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Intergenerational knowledge transfer and the ageing workforce

May 2, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm AEST
Room 4150 , Belinda Hutchinson Building (H70)
The University of Sydney


Knowledge is a critical resource for organizations. It is the primary determinant of sustainable organizational growth and competitive advantage (Grant, 2002) and is a key activity for building expertise and fostering innovation within organizations (Collins & Smith, 2006; Cummings, 2004; Hansen, 2002; Lin, 2007; Mesmer-Magnus & DeChurch, 2009). Knowledge transfer is increasingly important due to rapid demographic changes that are creating amore age- diverse workforce and the accelerated loss of knowledge from older workers (Rudolph & Zacher, 2015; Burmeister et al., 2018). Using employee survey data from two large public sector organisationswith mixed occupational profiles and applying Job Demand-Resource (JD-R) theory and social role theory, we examine whether HRpractices which provide direct rewards on knowledge transfer influence work attitudes and behaviours by enhancing knowledge transfer and intergenerational contact within the organization. First, we examine and compare the effectiveness of both standard and intergenerational HRpractices (HRP) for knowledge sharing in the knowledge transfer process. Second, we link HRPfor knowledge sharing with improved employee well- being, including reduced work burnout, increased work engagement, and enhanced work commitment. Additionally, we investigate the moderating effects of age on the relationship between knowledge transfer (encompassing both sharing and receiving) and employee well- being.


Marian Baird is Professor of Gender and Employment Relations and Co-Director of the Sydney Employment Relations Research Group at the University of Sydney Business School. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and was CI on the ARC Centre of Excellence on Population Ageing 2017- 2024. In 2016 she was awarded an AO for outstanding services to improving the quality of women's working lives and for contributions to tertiary education. Marian is an internationally recognised scholar in the fields of parental leave and women, work and economic empowerment over the life course. Her most recent book (co- edited with Myra Hamilton and Alison Williams) is 'The Multigenerational Workforce - Managing Age and Gender at Work', Palgrave Macmillan 2024. Peter Berg is Professor of employment relations at the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations at Michigan State University. His current research examines the implications of an aging workforce for organizations in the United States and Germany. He studies how organizations are responding to an agingworkforce and the types of practices they implement. He was a member of a National Academy of Sciences consensus study on understanding the aging workforce and employment at older ages. Professor Berg is the author of numerous publications in a variety of academic journals, including ILRReveiw, Human Relations, and Work, Aging, and Retirement. He is also a co- author of the book Manufacturing Advantage: WhyHigh Performance Work SystemsPayOff. Professor Berg has been a Fulbright Scholar and conducted research or presented hiswork in over 20 countries around the world. He has served as an executive board member of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) and as President of the Industry Studies Association. Peter is currently a Visiting Scholar in Work and Organisational Studies.


Marian Baird and Peter Berg

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  • Dr Yu (John) Wu